International Regulatory and Comepetition Policy
Module Objectives
The students
- understand the historical roots of economics of competition policy
- obtain skills to model and analyze the abuse of market power
- acquire knowledge on the instruments for anti-trust policy
- gain insights on sentences for the abuse of market power through the analysis of case studies
Market Structures:
- Multi-Product Monopoly and Price Discrimination
- Vertical Restraints
- Oligopoly with Homogeneous vs. Non-Homogeneous Products
- Repeated and Dynamic Market Interaction
Competition Policy:
- Market Power and Welfare
- European Competition Policy & Law
- Collusion and Mergers
- Vertical Restraints and Price Discrimination
- none
- Recommendations: basics in microeconomics
Workload and Credit Points
56 hours attendance time and 94 learning hours incl. exam(s) / 5CP
- Massimo Motta: Competition Policy -Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press